We left Florida on March 3rd, which means we aren't far off a month out of the state. We flew from Tampa to Houston, first thing in the morning, and then onwards to Honolulu before catching a flight to Maui.
As always, travel is full of challenges, and this journey was no exception:)
After rising at 4.30am to catch the 6.33am flight out of Tampa to Houston, we were a little 'other-worldly' to say the least. We aren't impressed that you now have to buy any refreshments on flights, including the LONG ones of 8 hrs or more. If they are internal (USA) flights, this is always the case. Fortunately for us, the Houston/Honolulu flight was mostly empty, so we were encouraged by the flight staff to spread out and get some sleep, which both of us did. I cant say we arrived in HNL refreshed, but we weren't spacey either.
Honolulu airport is a bitter disappointment. I am certain it hasn't changed in the 30 years I have been going in and out of this major gateway to the state and nation. It was shocking, to say the least, that the state of repair appears to be the same as when I left in 2005.
Although we had booked on United Airlines, we didn't realize that our inter-island flight was going to be on a 'puddle jumper' Airline called Island Air. We were told we could find food in the ONE bar at the small terminal there, but when we approached the waitress, she told us there was no food today, because they didn't have a cook working:) ack!
Sooo....we walked (with our bags in tow) to the large inter-island terminal where I had to leave Waz outside while I went through all the security to get a second rate meal that cost three arms and two legs.
We walked back..hurredly...to the small airline, in time to catch our flight to Maui. Fortunately the flight is only half an hour from take off to touch down. We arrived to patchy weather but high humidity, which is normal for this kind of weather. We caught the Dollar Rental car bus to the depot and waited. We were told that 800 + cars go in and out of that depot every day....and it is only ONE of many depots for rental vehicles. Well, we waited and waited, and finally were told that if we had a premier card we could have just walked over and signed in quickly!!! ha!
The view of south Maui shore and around to the west side from Upcountry.
We were expecting a small Ford SUV, but they didn't have any on the lot and we ended up with a 2014 Ford Explorer. It was a large vehicle. Gas was $3.20-ish per gallon, and a smaller vehicle would have been nice.
I don't want it to seem like I am complaining of everything, but to this point we were less than impressed with everything, lol. Not a great way to start the journey. It isn't a holiday, so we cant call it that, sorry:)
We arrived at the 'kids' home around 6pm, and met our new grand-daughter (8) her mother, and the mother-in-law, whom I had met many years ago while we both worked in a common place (non-profit). Baby was asleep.
Not in Waz's arms, initially, but most children respond well in those arms:)
My son arrived home around 6.30pm and we had a rather emotional reunion. We have seen so little of each other over the past 10 years, and it was so good to reconnect.
We were on Maui primarily to support the new parents, do whatever was necessary to allow the new mom to take care of baby, and do whatever was necessary in the home, which they had just moved into.
The home was built by my son's grandparents in the 1960's, and had been remodeled in the early 1990's by myself with my in-laws. The home had recently been rented out, but as is often the case, the renter had abused the home, and much work was needed to put it to rights for the young family.
Waz and I spent much time cleaning, fixing and enjoying getting to know our new grand-family. We feel most fortunate to have found a daughter-in-law who shares so many of our values. They young couple are well suited and we are happy to have a ready-made granddaughter. So many boys in our family!:)
Baby just slept, ate and did what tiny babies do best...
Two weeks passed quickly. We were entertained by good friends who went out of their way to make our visits special. We are most grateful for their friendship and ministrations.
New curtains had been purchased and hung, but some needed re-hemming and others needed cutting and hanging in places that required shorties. A sewing machine was procured and I did the deed. Mom also needed more receiving blankets for baby, so three more were made poste haste.
Waz did the hanging and fixing. He is so good at these things. What a team!!!:)
We were sad to leave our little family on the 16th March, and head to Honolulu again, for our flight to NZ. At least it wasn't 14 hrs, as it would have been if we had left from LA or SFO.
The flight was only 8 1/2 hrs, overnight, and on an Air NZ flight, this time. The Honolulu made food was horrid, but we look forward to the NZ prepared food on the return trip, mid-April.
It is always a pleasure to look out the plane window as we approach NZ and see the city below. This time was no exception, although we only saw lights...it was still dark at 6am when we touched down.
Auckland airport is one of the nicest...seriously!!!...no bias here!!!...:) and so easy to get through and out to the place where we can order out first Flat White coffee...
Bliss....and it was hot too! None of this tepid stuff we get in the USA:)
And of course we have arrived on Middle Earth, which was very much in evidence at the airport.
Later we drove towards Hobbiton and Matamata which is full of Hobbit-like features.
Anyway, it is now bed time and I need to hit the sack. I will tell you all about our NZ travels in the next post. Night Night:)