The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Progress Report and Shopping Expedition.

I could venture to say it is the same thing, in the title, but I guess it needs some further explanation.

Yesterday I had my staples out. I felt the first three and then after that I was just aware of the RN clicking her unstapler against my flesh.

Fernando had visited at 9am. I told him I wasn't awake enough at 8am to do my Physical Therapy, and he seems to understand that. Larry, who is how 4 weeks post total hip replacement, on Dock C, calls Fernando "The PT Nazi" because he is strict about the progress you are going to make.

What is interesting, is that just two days earlier, Fernando had deliberately 'slowed me down' walking with the walking frame, and then voila, told me at 2 weeks I can use the walking stick or cane. hmmm...
Our walk down the dock yesterday was just with me using the cane! woohoo! albeit slowly! cant rush a good thing!

Now that all the nerve blockers have gone, and I'm no longer taking drugs (only Tylenol PM to sleep), my body is functioning very well all on it's own...and a good thing too! I HATE taking drugs that make your body do all kinds of weird things, not to mention the head.

You can see the Kiwi flag on the right, at the dock corner...hard to see the boat. This is our 'neighborhood'.
 I spend quite a lot of time walking up and down this dock. I cant put my own shoes on, so I have to go barefoot, which is probably a good idea. The concrete can be really cold, especially when wet. I like to hang out at the dock box when the sun is shining that way, just to warm up, though we are still clothed in t-shirts and shorts. Some in these parts have jackets on, but we hardy folks (yeh riiight) just put a rug over our knees and hope we warm up that way! lol.

Every other time we have been out in the car, I stay in the car while Waz goes and does the shopping, whatever that might be.
Today was different. I decided I could brave the supermarket in one of the motorized trolleys for disabled people.
It is interesting to note how other people treat you when you are in one of those motorized trolleys/carts. They look right over the top of you, through you, anything but at you. They pull away from the trolley if you get too close, and give you daggers if you move in their direction.
Once I figured out the forward and reverse, and that the reverse lever also goes forward if you push rather than pull it...I didn't run too many people over.!:)

Apart from the whole affair taking more than the usual hour, it was a rather interesting experience.  Even the check-out folks deferred to Waz, and made no effort to help ME. Is that because I didn't need it, with him helping me?

Anyhoo...we got home in one piece and I'm a bit tired. I  managed to put 99% of the food away in the fridge.

Waz is sitting here finishing the movie he started watching last night...Eyes Wide Shut...The Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman/ Stanley Kubrick Movie that tanked....I have watched some of it, but the one note piano music sucks and is getting annoying, and I don't 'get it'.

Today is Thursday the 3rd December. I have PT tomorrow at 9am. It is nice to have a day off in between, but I'm supposed to do the basics on those other days. I do some of them, but need help with others. Since the nerve blockers have left my system, I have a harder time with some of the exercises. I guess that is to be expected.

When I went for the staples out, I asked the RN what the prosthesis looks like and why do I have dark bruises all down my leg and my hamstring feels like I have chopped it. How did I never see this prosthesis before? My understanding of the process was faulty.

The outside of parts of the prosthesis is actually a porous instrument that new bone matter grows onto. I have the large bruises because they literally hammer that baby into the bone. They take the bone marrow out and hammer the tapered prosthesis into the void. They hold the lower leg so they can hammer harder! If the bone density is not great, they will screw the ball cap into the bone, otherwise they let the new bone grow onto it over time. I guess this is why they say the prosthesis is 'seated' at around 18months post surgery.

So, the bruises are turning yellow and purple, and will eventually disappear, but the damage to the tissue will take a little longer, I'm told. Fine!'

I have until the 21st Dec to be walking unaided before going for the next surgery. No problems!:)

The movie is almost finished..yaya!  I need to go and debone the rotisserie chicken we bought, so we can have chicken for lunches and those dinners we cant think what to eat, otherwise.
Waz gets a night off tonight...we are eating take out tonight.

Enjoy the evening! Ciao, Ciao

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