The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

What Is....

I get lots of vacant looks from folks when I talk about Tiki-touring. It just naturally rolls off our tongues because we are so used to saying and doing it!

What is it?

Well it is, broadly speaking, "Taking the Long Way...".

To us, this means "Oh, I wonder what is down THAT road/canal/boulevard/track/dirt road etc.."you get the idea!

To us it means....we usually have a destination in mind, but how we get there might take us an awful long time. Sometimes we never reach our destination, because the Tiki-touring has taken us Waaaaayyyy too long, and the destination is now totally out of time and out of reach. What a happy dilemma! Seriously!

I guess, being retired folks (well, are we?) that every day is pretty much the same as the next, except when we get bored with doing the same old same old, and decide to go somewhere....taking the long it were.

We have had some of our most memorable moments Tiki-touring. Yes, we have.

Let me think!

Well, getting 'lost' is how others might think of it, but....taking a 'wrong'  turn is a matter of MY opinion:)

New Orleans, comes to mind. Oh how we love cities with fabulous histories that are full of old houses and buildings and crooked streets and disturbed pavement and vines growing over everything and trees that reach the sky. we were in New Orleans, or NOLA, as it is known 'round these parts. (New Orleans, Louisiana ...the LA part)...

...and people who dress up in costume NOLA... it must be another parade! Yes, they have countless parades...all the time...
These folks were marching alongside the Lafayette Cemetery, when we encountered them. The back view was preferable to the front...and so as not to embarrass myself, I photo'd their behinds!

The magic of the moss....Spanish moss doesn't harm the trees, we are told. I like unadorned trees, personally, but never mind...this must be the Sarth!

We came upon this veranda...another special 'thing'. Isnt there something about floor to ceiling double and triple hung windows that allow the breeze to blow through these old maiden houses! There is scant breeze in some places in the Sarth, so fans are a very necessary part of the furniture.
Shade is especially welcome in these here parts.

But I digress....

More tiki-touring in NOLA took us down streets that we dared not photograph. It was in Louisiana that we saw abject poverty. It was shocking! We felt like aliens walking and driving down these roads. These, by the way, were places we had been told NOT to tiki-tour. DO NOT GO DOWN...were words we heard so often in these parts. Coming from a reasonably civilized country, we had no fear or knew why we should not go there! So, go we did. No, I didn't photograph any of it. I didn't think it would be appropriate.

Tiki-touring in Houstons, Bay side, we found Helen's Garden. What a delight that was!:)
What was also a delight were the summer blooming Crepe Myrtles. They are everywhere in the south. Glorious big floppy heads of pink, purple, white (my fav.) and Im sure, other colors too.

Helen's Garden was built by her husband for the city, in her memory, so it is a Memorial Garden. What a lovely gift! A peaceful place that is beautifully kept for public enjoyment.

What blew us away, was that there was no graffiti anywhere, no destruction of any kind...just a respect for his lovely gift and place. This is her bronze bust.
Tiki-touring up the coast in Houston, we found and crossed the gorgeous bridge we could see in the distance from near the boat, and found these two old trucks on the side of the road....down a road, around a corner,down another road and...well, you get the picture!

Just as we have a thing for clouds, we also have a thing for these lovely bridges. We could see this one from near the boat, at Kemah, Houston (TX), and finally found a way to get there.
Yes, that is a Humming Bird. They are so fast, that this was as good a photo as I could get. This was another happy coincidence! We were docked in Delcambre (rhymes with welcome), Louisiana (you almost cant find it on the map!) and were tiki-touring nearby. I love to watch these stunning birds, and this was the closest we had come to one yet.

I could go on and on, with happy Tiki-touring and coincidences..but you get the 'picture':)

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