The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Sunday 17 April 2016

Waz the Toddler Whisperer

Waz has a way with kids and animals, no doubt about it. They all seem to find him warm and cuddly...well, I don't blame them, frankly :) I have been told that I, on the other hand, exude lots of energy, and they are a little more wary of me. That's fine...I delight in watching Waz with the kids and animals.

We left Tarpon Springs after making sure we had all our bits and pieces, around 10.30 this morning. Saying goodbye to Richard and Hound Dog and kitty, we made our way south to our old stomping ground, Port Charlotte.  We arrived at our former Hosts home in Pt Charlotte (we spent a total of 10 months on their home dock, over two Christmases) to a lovely warm welcome. The BEST welcome of all, was when Miss Muffin saw and recognized Waz, her face lit up like a Christmas Tree, she leapt out of her chair and ran to him with a huge grin on her little 2 yr old face, and when he scooped her up, gave him the hug of his life!  It sure brought a tear to his eyes. Who would have thought, after a year's absence, that a 2 yr old would remember someone from her one year old life? Well, we have proof positive, now:)

Not only that....she proceeded to include Waz in pretty much everything thereafter. They sat snuggling in this chair, for ages.
We left them to check into our Hotel, and then met them again at Wally's, our Ribs Joint of choice ANYWHERE! Mia sat between Waz and me for most of the meal, and she hung off him and flirted with him aplenty. Too funny.:)
We thoroughly enjoyed the ribs, AND the flirting, and being with special friends. Too bad we have to drive back to Jacksonville tomorrow morning.
Before I turn in for the night, I need to give you an idea of the size of this animal, which belongs to our Tarpon Springs friends.
There was no other way to show you, than to compare him with a paperback book...normal size. I am 5ft 9" and he comes mid-thigh, on me. He is a typical Hound, in that he 'bays' most things. We all would go for a walk in the middle of the morning, and he made sure to keep us all in line, being his 'pack', and as long as he was leading, all was well. If we stepped out of line, we got 'hounded'! He is a funny fellow but ever so loving and, like most dogs, very particular about most things.
As usual, we miss having animals around, and truly appreciate other people's.
Well, we are holed up in a small hotel room...who needs a big room to sleep in??...and will hit the road tomorrow morning, across the state. We look forward to opening the boat up, again, and airing her out. We will need to give her a bath and then set to work giving her a wax and polish. Fun! There is a 'weather thing' developing out in the Atlantic, so we are hopeful of at least 4 days of sunshine/overcast, before it hits our neck of the woods.
We had our last Ice-cream....handmade, of course...tonight in Punta Gorda, post Ribs meal, and took a walk around the old town for good measure and to exercise some of the calories away. Maybe!
I am going to tell you what is going to happen next....just because it is important that we 'stick to the rules', as it were.
We are going to join a gym. We need to get some muscle mass back, having lost so much of it, living on the boat, and I need to lose another 20lbs! Waz needs to get totally well, after the past 6 months of this upper respiratory issue he has been carrying around, and we need to both concentrate on eating healthy food, sans sugar and processed carbohydrates. It has served us well in the past three years, and we need to become purists again. Too much travel with sweet treats to tempt us...well, we DO like them, after all.
This is all prior to further travel, later in the year. I like being able to have some spare room in an airline seat, so I have an incentive. Waz says he has another 10lbs to lose, so the two of us will enjoy the challenge. A little friendly competition is good for us:)
I'm leaving you here, and bon nuit!

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