The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

We are again Post-Operative

This wont be a long post....just to say, for those who need to know...that Waz is walking around as if he didn't have surgery, this morning. Tomorrow might be another story, but for now...he's rocking it!

This story started almost exactly a year ago, when he had emergency surgery for a Peri-rectal Abscess. In last year since, he has experienced complications from that surgery in the form of more abscesses and also Fistula and Fissures in the tissue surrounding the anus. I know this isn't a fun thing to talk about, or it might not even seem decent to discuss it, but these things happen. There is no knowledge about how or why people get these things, so it is rather a matter of  what I call 'Band Aid' medicine. He was apparently in the hands of the best surgeon for these matters.

The surgery took only half an hour, and the debrief I had with the surgeon was text-book...Wound care post-op, food, and what to expect and who to call if all doesn't go according to plan.

Doesn't he look 'spiffing' in his hat and gown?? These gowns are made of indestructible Tyvek kind of fabric with an attachment for what looks like a vacuum, but is in fact a hot air machine. they plug in the hose and voila! warm air:) Fantastic. He was hot, but the lady in the bed opposite was almost floating off the bed, so much hot air was filling out the gown:)
He is all ready to go, here, and I was departing for my morning Coffee...thank goodness for in-house Lattes.

It was an early rise for us this morning. The alarm went off at 4am. Waz had done his 'clean-out' last night, so he only had to do his sterile shower this morning. I had to go down and feed the cats at this house sit, and get myself an omelet made to insert into the croissants we purchased for this very breakfast. We were out on the road by 4.45am. Little traffic, and it was an easy run in to St Vincents South Side, in Jax.

We signed in, and waited. 5.30am was check in time, and we were marginally early. Waz was taken in for prep and I followed half an hour later. We are used to these pre-ops now...pity! but good for us ultimately. Less anxiety!
There is always the unknown, in any operation, but for the most part, we had faith in the ability of the surgeon, and just hoped he would do what was necessary without finding anything untoward.
Nothing WAS found, so it was good news. Phew!

I only had time to eat my croissants and drink my coffee before being ushered back in to the recovery room, where this groggy person was sitting in a chair.

His blood pressure was fantastic, at  105/56. Cant remember it being better, frankly! Had to record it of course:)

We gave him plenty to drink because he needed to pee before being allowed to go home. Having done the deed successfully, we was wheeled out to meet me with the car.

Armed with two prescriptions, we made our way over to our regular Pharmacy on Riverside, near the boat. I bought was some Chicken and Wild Rice soup along with a cereal bread roll, to feed the hungry beast. We went on to the Marina to pick up our mail and get a couple of things from the boat.

The boat smelled like it had been shut up for a week or more....well, it it was good to at least introduce a little fresh air.

We are in our second House sit, for the month, and enjoying being so close to the Atlantic Beach, where we go for sometimes twice daily walks. We are averaging 12,000 steps, according to Waz's counter. Not bad!
The weather has been cooler, so the swimming pool in the back yard has also been cool, and definitely not warm enough for me to swim in.

It isn't a large pool, but great for cooling off in, and plenty big enough for two people to do some calisthenics together. We have sat at the table a couple of evenings, prior to our walk, and enjoyed a cup of coffee out there.

We enjoyed a lovely meal with our former house sit hosts nearby, on Mother's Day (sunday last) and have been calendar'd to sit again for a week while the go north to visit a new grandchild. Their old blind cat is doing great:) Lovely to have loves with her again.

We have also met and calendar'd another house sit, further down the coast, for a month, and that is where we will be in the near future. We look forward to all these different situations because we get to meet delightful home owners and their cats (at this stage), and take care of their lovely homes in such pleasant surroundings.

We will be home on the boat in between, to take good care of her.

Just a reminder...she is for if you are looking for a lovely Trawler, take a look at her website, and pass it on if you know someone who is looking, please.

Well, after such an early start, and even though we have both had a nap, this afternoon, it is time to go to bed. I don't think we will set the alarm tonight..a sleep in might be in order. The cats, of course, don't adhere to the same schedule, and they will be here waiting for their food at around 7am, our usually rising time.

Good night, and sleep well.


  1. Did you guys run over a black cat or something, anyway get well soon, thinking of you both, Colin and Dawn

  2. hahah! Anyone would thinks so! How are you two doing?? We seem to spend all our waking hours thinking of or being in Dr offices! aieee!!
