The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Sunday 3 May 2015

I would like to say...

....That it is never too late to follow your dreams...
We learned, in the last few days, that the mother of a dear friend has Hodgkins Lymphoma,  which is Cancer of the Lymph Nodes.
While this cancer is reported to be eminently treatable, when found in the early stages, the treatment is an unpleasant series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I doubt that this is on anyone's agenda, in life. can look that up for yourself, if you desire


..but my point, in this blog, is to talk about what we dream about and how to make that a reality. All too often, 'life' intervenes to make some of those dreams an unreality and darned near impossible.

I am reminded of the 'Make A Wish' foundation,which strives to make the dreams of those children (in particular) with incurable (mostly) diseases, to come true. Some of these involve Disneyland, others involve throwing the first pitch at Wrigley Field. Whatever those dreams are, many people work overtime to make them come true for the young patients.

Why then, do we not work overtime to make our own dreams come true?

IS this the same as having a 'Bucket List'? Basically, YES!

The difference between a dream and reality is simply that one is still 'out there in the universe' as an idea/passion, while the other is what happens in real time.

So, how DO you make a dream become reality? and how does one afford such things?

I hate to say this, but the process is actually quite is called 'PLANNING'!!!

Well, not everything worthwhile happens as a result of planning, but generally, planning is the best way to begin something like this.

I guess this depends largely on what your dreams are, and how big, expensive etc they may be.

Waz and I  talk to so many people about what we do (live on our boat), and they tell us, in return, how they had always dreamed of doing that...'some day'. They also say they want to visit New Zealand, 'some day'. The latter is far more doable, in our opinion than the former.:)

There are many people who might tell you that it isn't all it is cracked up to be (living on a boat)...but we could say that for most things in life, couldn't we?

I think perhaps this depends entirely on one's attitude about what it is that we want to do. Passion is usually needed to make things happen in life.

WE haven't actually made a bucket list, the two of us, but we did make a list  of what we would do IF we wont the lottery!! (Yes, well, we have to amuse ourselves somehow when it is raining (if I remember rightly)). I guess this could be considered a Bucket List, so perhaps I will start there.

NOTE...we didn't actually ever PLAN to live aboard a boat and travel the ICW in the USA, but life events dictated that we make considerable life changes, and we are. BUT...We did much planning to get here when the decision was made to do so.

So...What is on our list?

1. Vienna at Christmas Time for the lights and decorations, and the music and dancing. We want to be walking the streets with snow on the ground and hear the wonderful waltzes and music coming from everywhere. ..and do some dancing as well!
Doable? Absolutely! Airfares are generally less expensive at that time of the year, and accommodations may well be the same. I don't know...planning will inform that decision!

2. Build an eco-friendly, off-the-grid, small home with huge workshop and studio spaces...
Doable? Yes, if we plan right, and as a domino effect would have to take place  (sell the boat etc) for it to happen, it is absolutely within the realm of possibilities. Just don't ask us WHERE...we are spoiled for choice!

3. Live in a Non-English speaking country (1st, not 3rd world) for a few years and become fluent in the local language.
Doable? Absolutely! Which country? Research needed for that one!

4. Drive the EU coast roads from Venice, Italy to Scandinavia.
Why? Because this was my intention, when I was living in Venice, Italy, and I spent that money (instead) on returning to NZ when my father was dying of cancer, in 1981, at the age of 59. It will be much more fun to do it with Waz, and share the experience.

None of these four items would require any great effort...but then again, they would too...who am I kidding.! It isn't as if we want to go cliff diving or sky diving...we are in our golden years, but haven't lost our moxy...just that the body isn't quite up to some of those things, anymore!

Not only do they require much planning, but finances, arrangements for life's little 'things' such as mail etc, but they would also require us to be of good health and sound in both body and mind...some more than others.

I don't think any one item has priority over the others, but it will be interesting to see which one happens first...lottery winnings or not (Fat chance, says Waz...Oh he of little faith!!!:))

So, for anyone who thinks they would love to visit NZ...go that flight. Air NZ is going to be flying direct out of Houston, TX to Auckland NZ, from December 2015, (IF you are on the east coast or Midwest)  and if you don't like sitting on an airplane for hours on end, then I can suggest a different route, if you would like one:)

Auckland Harbor with the Sky Tower in the middle of the city. One of the more beautiful harbors in the world!

All this navel gazing ...Don't I have something better to do today? Yes, but we cant be productive EVERY day. I think I need to go and get a good book to read!:)

Ciao for now...and we hope you and all your loved ones are healthy! Don't forget to dream, and make it a reality!

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