The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Making 'stuff' and Plans

The sewing machine came out again on Wednesday after we arrived back at the boat. Waz spent most of the rest of the week catching up on tend not to get much in Hospitals!...resting and catching up on some route planning for our get-away.

The first thing on the agenda was to replace the windshield reflectors. We cut/sized/sewed them to fit the old ones, and replaced them. It was fascinating to see how much more heat was reflected once they were replaced. The windshields are cool again.

I also 'silvered' the port side window outside the pilot house, and it has greatly reduced the heat in the pilot house during these hot times.

In the process of renewing things, we discovered that the Windlass cover, which I so lovingly crafted in Texas, all of 21 months ago, AND after washing it, has come to pieces! bah! So much for Sunbrella! I guess the Florida climate just does that to things!

I had already put the sewing machine away, so it will have to wait!

Ok...well, another day!
Our Aussie friends in Tarpon Springs were supposed to come and visit for the weekend, the w/end before Waz went into hospital, but we couldn't accommodate them, so Richard came on his own this weekend. Great to catch up, but we missed Diane! He was our very first guest!:) Apparently the spare bed is very comfy. Good to know!
We went out for breakfast this morning (sunday) and then on to the Punta Gorda Farmer's Market where I found a plant I didn't know existed. It is a double purple Detura. I had only ever seen pink, peach and yellow flowers on these trees, but this one was something else, and quite exquisite!
I'm sure you will agree.

What a fabulous flower!!
The rest of the day was spent on planning. We also went to Sam's Club in order to stock up on some basics.
Waz has a Surgeons post-op appt. on Wednesday, and then we will set sail, as it were for the east coast.
It is high time we left the state of Florida for the summer, if these temps are any indication of what is coming, and it ain't summer yet! aieeee!:(
The sun is leaving the day, and we are sitting inside in the air conditioned salon. I HATE sitting cooped up, but the alternative isn't pleasant. We know the trip up the east coast is also going to be warm, but hopefully not THIS warm. 95F is just too damned hot! not to mention the humidity!
So, we are putting another day to bed.
This new week has lots in store for us, and I will let you know before we set sail!

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