The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Monday 25 November 2013

Glorious day but oh so cold! - Sunday

The plan was to go out for Breakfast to the Egg and I on Thomas Drive, across the bridge. The day dawned sunny and clear but that wind was cooooold! We rugged up starting with long sleeved t-shirts (our recent Walmart purchases) hoodies and jackets...and a scarf for me!
Having the freedom of choice when having a vehicle is so nice.
We were up early and on the road by 8am to beat the crowd that inevitably collects at this chain restaurant. We had been to their Houston, Bay Area restaurant and enjoyed not just the food, but the Coffee as well.
We were optimistic of a really nice breakfast....Waz ordered the Cambridge Hash which included Country potatoes (cubed and pan cooked), chopped bacon, ham, onion and poached eggs with hollandaise and melted cheese (that ghastly liquid cheese they put on everything). He ordered hard poached, per normal.
I ordered the Vege Hash, which I have had several times before. This included spinach, Portobello mushrooms, tomatoes and green peppers with hashed potatoes, lightly poached eggs with hollandaise. Hold the onions and the cheese please.
Waz's meal appeared with runny poached. They jiggled when the plate was set down, so they went back to the kitchen pronto! Mine was fine except for the liquid cheese but I wasn't going to send mine back coz I was hungry. I finished my meal before Waz got his new one and after the waitress came several times to assure him his meal was on it's way. THEN came the boss man to apologize for the mistake and assure us the meal was imminent. It wasn't, and it took 20 mins or more for his plate to reappear. At least all the food on it was new and no microwaved!
We stiffed the waitress! (didn't give her a tip) and speculated, once back in the car, what might happen if you took money off the bill for the wait, the inconvenience and the negative experience?
Truly, we arrive at each and every restaurant anticipating a positive experience. That we don't get too many of them is disappointing, to say the least.

Our day wasn't too planned, fortunately, other than visiting the Light House Marina which we had seen from the Trolley bus, as we went past it, and deciding to go back towards the Pier Park Mall to look for a gift or two for Christmas.

The Marina was interesting, though the wind chill was horrid. At the entry to the Marina parking lot was a Farmers' Market, which we ventured across the road to. We felt sorry for the vendors, as the cold was not much fun for those sitting around waiting for customers. We didn't see anyone else arrive while we were there!
I bought a butternut squash for some soup and a cucumber. Nothing else took our fancy.

We love looking at boats (can you tell??:) ) so we walked the whole marina!
First I had to have some fun with the camera and reflections in the water, I DO love these abstract images:)

I don't think I would have eaten these oysters in this marina, either! though they are just as plentiful.

One of three 12 hr fishing charter vessels. They are wooden boats in need of some maintenance (show me a boat that isn't!).

Most of these vessels were for charter!

These are all fishing charter vessels...both large and small, and all have photos of the catch to advertise. Fish is VERY plentiful in the near Gulf.

This is a Travel Lift which we have employed previously to lift our girl out of the water. (not this one tho')

These 'speed' boats take adrenalin seeking peeps out onto the Gulf for a buzz.

Restaurants and Bars line the boardwalk, per usual....all of them closed on Sunday at 10am.

This purpose built Pirate Ship looked pretty stupid, actually.

Feed the fish, or crabs?? These machines are designed to take your money in return for throwing the 'fish food' into the water to artificially feed the fish. I HATE this kind of thing with a passion. On Maui in a conservation area, the divers take tours out to see reef fish which are now dependent on frozen peas, if you please. How ridiculous!

You can go for a blat on one of the dozens of PWC's (personal water craft)

Sea Tow is very much in evidence.

The light house for which the Marina is names. (no it doesn't work)

I think this Pelican wasn't just cold, but sick. It didn't raise it's head at all when we were but 3 feet from it. I think perhaps it has been fed too much fish food!:(
I borrowed this image from one of the brag boards outside the charter vessels. My other hand is with the Hammerhead!!!

Again, a borrowed image...These Asian Lionfish are a nuisance in the Gulf waters. They are extremely aggressive and will eat reef fish and anything else in their way. Apparently they make for great eating! People are encouraged to catch them and remove them from the food chain.
We decided to follow our noses back towards Panama City Beach again. We had our cameras and wanted to walk and photograph...for a change:)

There is an effort being made to re-green the foreshore and dunes. As most of Panama City is built on sand dunes, this effort is a bit hilarious. Sand lies across all the roads and gets into everything.

The fences are supposed to stop more erosion, let the grasses and sea oats grow etc...but somehow they don't.

The water was the most gorgeous colors. Real turquoise green, deep blue and azure (or is that deep blue?)
If you click on any of the photos you will see them full size and can scroll through them. Click outside the photo to return to the is worth it to see the sugary consistency of the sand.

The homes along the shore are not all as good looking as this one. There are many older style beach cottages that look like they have been there at least 50 years.

The walkway over the main road is between the condo and it's parking garage. This is typical of most of the condos which of course are shore side.

For your riding pleasure! rental scooters and three wheeled 'cars'. No helmets required! they call them Donor Cycles!!!

moooore condos

This is the second half of this 'condo' We couldn't even estimate how many rooms were here. The same number went west of this block! Note the parking garage in front! The garages were numbered 1-6.

Back at Pier Park, this 'amusement park' for kids.

Mon has puppy love with two very well behaved poodles. The black one is only 8 months old, but so soft and such a lover.

The light in winter is fabulous. The dunes look like snow.

The Pier that Pier Park is opposite...hence the name

Sunday is obviously doggy walkies day. The Labradoodle at front is 8 yrs old, but was playing with the 18 month old Boston Terrier (middle) as if it were a puppy. Lots of fun!:)

One of the three wheelers.





Clear, cold and just like snow on the shoreline, so pure white is the sand.
We came home the same 'tourist' route that we went out. We weren't in a hurry either way, and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon out.
We didn't find any gifts, and soon got tired of looking at all the kitch and crap on offer. Really, do people buy that stuff?? they must do I guess, or it wouldn't be there. Absolute crap!
We wonder at times how we have become so cynical..or do we??lol. We aren't typical tourist and have asked ourselves so many times why we don't like to do all the things most people do. No answer there, Im afraid....we just aint everybody else!
A relaxing day finished off with leftovers and a salad. :)
We have to have the car back by 10.30am on Monday, so a little bit of food shopping, the luxury of a Starbucks Latte and not much else, I'm afraid. Manana!

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