The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Saturday 7 September 2013

Baking Bread

Woohoo!I got the bread machine out of the footstool to make some bread when we got back to the boat, just after noon.
Our quest this morning, after a late start, was to find a jeweler and an optomitrist. The former, because the gold jewelry I had been wearing went copper colored. We can only assume there is lots of sulphur in the air down here in Houston. I needed to either get it cleaned, or buy something I could clean it myself with. I did the latter. I also found an Optomitrist...well, a couple of Sears. I had caught my glasses on something and they had ripped off me...result of which was the left arm was locked...and the right arm was a bit skewed. This, of course, affected the 'seat' of the glasses on my face, and I was getting headaches, as these are tri-focal blended lenses.

I had bought a six pack of croissants at Kroger (supermarket) yesterday and gave two to Veronica (hostess gift) when we went to her boat for dinner last night. The remaining four we enjoyed for breakfast. Waz had eggs and Canadian Bacon with his.  We then went to find an optomitrist we had the address of in League City. We found this fellow, after some difficulty and crossing the highway a couple of times, but he was closed! We then joined the heavy traffic on I45 North to the Bay Area shops. This is where I remembered that Sears has an optical department.

Starbucks was on our way home...well, kind of...and we said, if there were enough chairs available, we would stay there and have our drink in the aircon. comfort. This particular starbucks is always busy, but we were lucky to get two large comfy chairs and a read of the paper. We looked in particular at the end of year car sales. We are always interested in the prices for new cars here.

All the dealers are selling off their 2013 stock, so some excellent prices were in evidence.  A Mazda 6 2013 model sedan was only $22,499...but that was with financing...I wonder what the price would be with cash? We also got a little enthused over a 1965 Shelby striped Mustang, for about the same price:) She was a very pretty bright yellow with red stripes!!

We are not in the market for a new car, or an old one, but we sure have fun looking at them. We do that same with the houses. In the same paper, all the home builders are offering special right now too. Houston is one of the fastest growing centers in the USA. I was listening to the radio yesterday and a commentary said Houston is in line to become the #1 city in the USA. There is low unemployment here because of the Natural Gas and Oil industries, along with the Military and General Motors plants et al. There are plenty of hiring signs everywhere, and people we talk to say they cant find enough people to fill the jobs. That is encouraging. what isnt so encouraging is that they also say that the kids coming out of High School have such poor skills in math and reading/writing, they are virtually un-employable. They also say that the Uni/College Graduates have no practical skills like former generations. Formerly, engineering students mostly came from families where Dad was a tinkerer, or home mechanic, or that way inclined and the kids had lots of workshop time with family and friends behind them when they went to college. That isnt so anymore. Computer time just doesnt translate into practical skills, so they are behind the 8 ball when they begin employment. This isnt always the case, of course, but that is a regular gripe we hear from those we talk to while getting things fixed, etc.

Meantime, back in the galley...the bread dough took 1.30h to mix and rise, then told me to take it out and pat it down to make cinnamon rolls. I brushed a little butter over the now flattened dough, then sprinkled (not too much) a mix of white sugar and cinnamon along with some chopped pecans and Golden raisins(Sultanas). Rolled it up into a sausage, and cut it into 1" rounds to put on my multi-purpose pizza tray. This tray fits beautifully into the Micro-convection over.
The rounds were then left outside in the warm to rise again (about 45 mins) and then I popped them into the oven for 15 mins. WOW! they looked fantastic and smelled even better:)
the proof, they say, is in the eating, and that we did with a little help from Katie, who had joined us for dinner...well,cinnamon rolls and dinner!

I gave katie another couple or four to take home with her for breakfast, if she and Dean feel inclined. We finishes work at 10pm, then drives for 5 hours back to the boat. he arrives around 3am. He only has one day off this weekend, and has to return on monday morning for his 2pm shift. Not much of a life, but this is finite. They anticipate being all finished and retired by Christmas. Counting down!
I have spoken before about our favorite little store..Kemah Hardware. Thank goodness for them, because they stock just about anything and everything. They are good old fashioned folk who value customer service, and if they dont have it, will get it for you. Nothing like family owned businesses!
I had to take a photo inside the store, but because it is so large, this photo will have to suffice...

And this fellow is permanently retired and sitting on his swing...

Remember I told you I would take a photo of the Attorney's office on the corner? well, here is the Clear Lake side of the building with the Mariachi musicians on the side...I was stopped at the lights where NASA1 Rd meets Hwy 146.
I just love this building. Whoever designed and built it should get a medal. It totally gets the attention and is funky as can be:)
We just went for our evening 10.15pm. It is cooler outside now, which is a blessing, and makes it bearable to walk. Waz made the comment that we will soon be in jeans and sweaters!
I did make that transition today at least  partly, when I bought a fleece lined jacket at Sears. It is water and wind proof, so should be very useful.

Well, Im about to go out back and shower and then read for a bit to cool down totally before bed.
Good night, and sweet dreams!


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