The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Tuesday 23 June 2015

More Touring in the Vicinity.

Saturday, and we set out to go food shopping. A funny thing happened on the way....we got waylaid! How unusual!

Being hotter than Hell (again) and the air conditioning in the car was working it's head off at full blow, we just kept on going...Why not go to Darien, we said! Why not indeed!

On the way....we don't do this much, do we???....we took a right hand turn off the highway into a subdivision. Seriously, it is REALLY weird. You are driving along the highway and all you can see is Jungle. There is a turn off the road into a clearing with huge Live Oak trees, and beautifully spaced homes on large lots. It is a bit like being in fantasy land...truly! Like I have said before, it is a bit like going down the Rabbit Hole.

We slowly toured the a crawl, actually....until we came to a lovely vacant lot...marsh-side!!! which is everything here.

Yes, this could be anywhere in coastal Georgia!

This corner brick home had a green house AND an outside workshop. Waz is rather taken with the IDEA of this:) No pool, so I vetoed this particular home...but.....
...around the corner a little further, we came across this lovely shady lot fronting the marshes. I am looking back to our car, here. There is a well on this property we found...see that shrub to waz's right, that is growing right on top of the well head!  We have found lots of properties have irrigation wells.
A combination of tallll pines and huge Live Oaks, on this lovely lot. The Marsh is in the background.

Anyway, we toured the neighborhood, which was a solidly middleclass one, and enjoyed looking at the different styles...not so different really, but that largely depended on whether they had outdoor living areas. Nobody outside in this heat!:(

So, eventually, after our 3/4 hr mosey through the subdivision, we found a person emptying their mail box, and we had a wee chat with him. Turns out he works with the Customs and Immigration Dept. as  a Federal Agent. What an interesting and very intelligent fella! He was most amusing. (funny, but we met him again, today, coming out of Office Max!  Small towns!)

Back on the main highway (17) going north to Darien. We have fond memories of this little town that is the second town developed in Georgia.

We had borrowed the town dock for the weekend, last year, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Arriving in the middle of town....well, it consists of the highway and one cross road....we went in search of our favorite be disappointed that it is now a Cantina. The lady at the Coffee Shop told us they hadn't renewed their lease:(

As it happens, the coffee shop we sat in was not open last year, but there had been a sign on the door saying "Coming Soon", so we were very pleasantly surprised to find the shop year, she said.

More tiki-touring around the area and we finally got bored looking at run down Victorian homes, and decided it was time to go home.

We came back to the boat via the Mall...which isn't what you would expect. Besides the major anchors there,...JC Penney and Sears, there is almost nothing in the middle. There is a cinema located on the outside of the mall (the entry is) but so little anywhere else. Depressing!

While we were out, the heat was shocking. I swear the heat index was well into the 100F+, and humid to boot.

Dinner was all the superfoods. We stopped at the supermarket on the way home...just a few hours late, but better late than never:)

Bought a rotisserie chicken...always useful when we are hungry!
Avocado, Asparagus, blueberries and a yummy cole slaw. Delish

While we were busy eating, the clouds were busy forming...Lightening was striking and the thunder rocked us.
 We watched that swath of rain come around to us...
 as the sun was going down...
 the rain didn't actually reach us, but the humidity was about 110% by now. argggghhhh!!
 I hate it when you cannot get cooler, even in the airconditioned comfort of the boat!
 The sunset was lovely, and I kept an eye on it through the window, popping out time and again to take yet another photo:)

I wont bore you with ALL the photos I took. We were happy that the bedroom was cool, when we finally went to bed. Cant sleep otherwise.

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