The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Sunday 4 August 2013

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning used to be Breakfast out for us in NZ. It is the one day when I dont prepare breakfast, but we had given that a miss here after a rather interesting experience at IHOP (International House of Pancakes)...Waz said I make FAR better pancakes, so I do.

This morning I promised to take him to Waffle House, which we had passed, in Seabrook (along 146) and Waz has often mentioned as needing to experience (being the operative, in this case:) )
We had a late 10am was brunch by the time we got there.
Forgive me...I forgot to take photos of the food!!! How could I do that???
Well, this is the first 'greasy spoon' Waz has had the pleasure of experiencing. He likes Waffles, especially the ones we used to make at the Hampton Inn when we were here in March.
Waz ordered two waffles and two eggs over easy. I ordered the much heralded Hash Browns and two eggs sunny side up. If the Hash Browns were 'Fresh' as they advertised, them I am from Outer Mongolia (with apologies). They were lucky to have passed over a potato on the way past Idaho!
Warren's waffles were thinner than he expected and two overflowed the large plate. The syrup came suitably sticky and greasy in a jar with pouring know the kind!
the over-easy eggs were still jiggling...he likes his dead...HARD. So we now know to ask for 'Over-easy hard'. Two cups of coffee that you could have refilled free...but it was determined to give us heartburn, and we didnt need that for free.
The eggs were rather swimming in something greasy. I also had ordered a griddle biscuit. This meant 'Fried' on the griddle...a bit like fried bread, only a 'scone' type thing...round, split in half and both halves were then fried. They mopped up the yolks nicely..he had one half, I had the other.
The bill came to $14.75. it was more food than we needed so lunch is out today! Fruit is the order of the afternoon and salad for dinner.
 Here she is...Waffle House. I remembered to photograph the outside, but really bummed that I was so 'struck'by the food that I forgot to record the vittals.
We were struck by the HUGE truck on the left. you would have needed a step ladder to get into it!

So...right next door to Waffle House is Shipleys Donuts.

and...right next door to Shipleys is the Colon Rectal Surgery center....You have to love the irony!

So, going back a few hours to Saturday...
With the sewing machine on the coffee table in the airconditioned Salon, I was a bit of a sewing factory. We took the cover off the instrument panel and wheel on the fly deck and I resewed as many of the seams as I could that had disintegrated already in preparation for laundering it. Well, if I hadnt sewn those seams, the whole thing would have been in pieces by the end of the wash cycle. The zipper needs to be resewn now! among other things, but she is MOSTLY intact.
I also took the cover off the anchor winch, thinking I would just have to replace the top..round part. NOPE..the whole thing was coming apart, literally at the seams. is the new one. Waz didnt care what color I made it...says this gives everyon 'something to shoot for' now, as she is right on the bow.\I took the old  one apart and made this one....except I didnt have any suede to put around the part where the chain comes out. Of course the cover gets taken off before the anchor is weighed!

We had talked about replacing the current Fortress anchor, Danforth Type...and hadnt really investigated what was in the anchor locker. When we were putting the new winch cover on, we lifted the lid on the locker...WOW! imagine our surprise we found a new Claw...a biggy, and another small fortress ancher. The big one is about a 60lb anchor.
I finished this at the end of a long day sewing...which included a cover for the Nav pod and Chart Plotter...sorry no pics! that cover is red floral:)
As you can see, I am determined to add some color to the otherwise boring covers.
Will talk about our Saturday night out in the next post....

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