Yes, three more curtains went into the wash, and oh dear! two came out somewhat ok..though a little holey, but the third one was pretty shredded. This meant I had to make a hurried trip to the store where I bought the sewing machine..Sew Contempo, on El Camino Hwy. Lovely ladies there helped me choose the right sticky backed Pellon (fusable) to iron on the back to stabilize the cloth so I could rehang them for a short period of time until new curtains are made. The photo doesnt look that bad, but each time I handled these drapes, they ripped a little bit more:(
Late morning I went food shopping. We figure we spend about $200 on food et al (including paper goods and some personal items) every 10 days. This figure is helped along by a loyalty card for Randalls Supermarket (a Safeway brand) which saves me up to $50 per shop, if I buy items that are 'card price'. I could do most of my shopping (and have done) just buying Card Items. They are incredibly discounted...e.g. Toothpast, 110g, normally $2.79, now .99c (card Price) I bought 4, of course.
Because we only have a relatively small fridge, I have to buy to fit everything in. I am getting pretty good at this, but some fruit and veg. just wont go there. I had to buy a VERY small cabbage in order to get it in the fridge, and canteloupe have to stay on the counter. The challenge then is to eat it in time before it goes bad!. Fortunately half a canteloupe WILL fit into the fridge.
We eat so much fruit every day, I have to go marketing for it every four days.
While I was away doing the shopping, Waz decided to take a look at the disfunctional Outborad motor which had seized. I got a text message while parking the car at the dock, to say that he had the engine working! Yaya...because our next trip, after lunch was going to be to Yamaha dealers to see what we could find in the way of a whole new motor.
Three cheers for Pooh!
What had happened, and why had it seized?
Well, it hadnt seized. It has a device that stops you starting the engine when it is in gear. A tiny piece of plastic that holds the spring on the end of that device had broken off. Because the lock was now in place, it felt like it had seized, even though it was out of gear. It did munt the impeller somewhat, which was a new one...but W has decided we can keep it as a spare. Good news:) We had to go out anyway for a new impeller to put back into the engine. All parts replaced, and of course we had to go and try her out ....again!
I am getting VERY sceptical about coming back to the big boat, after being out in the dinghy. We decided to wait till the heat at 4pm was somewhat abated, and finally took her out for a trial around 6pm. This gave us enough time to open the engine up...full revs, that is...and see if all was well.
I am always keep to get back out onto the water, so we lathered up in would be surprised how much heat there is still left in the sun at 6pm!...and took off gently (no wake zone) until we hit Clear Lake. I didnt take my camera with me this time...bummer! We actually needed the video camera. Next time!
There area lot of little places that we see on our routine drives that we make mental notes to return to or discover 'next time'.
One of them is under the bridge where the boat used to be parked. We would see kayaks coming from under there and always wondered what was on the other side.
So, we are back on the lake, waz has opened the throttle..I'm holding on!!!:) Love it! not much wind in the hair, but sure is a lot of heat. We get to the bridge...which is on NASA Rd 1 and go under. We had wondered where all the ducks had gone for the past week. Well, now we know...they were all roosting under the bridge, lol. An Ibis was dipping for fish and apart from the road noise, there was only a middle aged woman standup paddle boarding. Because this is another no-wake zone, we were only doing 5mph. This gave us plenty of time to look around at some of the lovely homes lining the canal. On one side they were right down to the water with huge boat lifts and docks, and on the right hand side the homes were set farther back from the water with huge lawns, lovely shade trees and swimming pools...also wth docks and boat lifts. A variety of water craft attached to all of these, from Pontoon boats to cigarette boats.....and of course, Jetskis.
Imagine this subdivision as you would one with roads...cul de sac etc. Well, this was a marine subdivision (though there is road access along the back of the homes) all facing the canals with water frontage. Some lovely HUGE homes with all the accountrement, and others a little less serious and very low key. All had plenty of shady places to sit outside with ceiling fans going. Some dogs greeted us, which was nice:) and we said hellow to a few homeowners in the throws of garden maintenance.
A good number of Mexican lawn and yard workers also in evidence.
Just off highway 146, going seward are whole other housing areas...not sure you would call them subdivisions, but ok. I love this arrangement, below. Perhaps they should have a boat instead???
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