The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Just to keep things from being too boring around here...

I decided to take an unexpected dip in the Industrial canal this morning. Unexpected for sure, and rather cold...not to mention highly unhygenic...knowing what goes into that canal!

I had been at the office to discuss our departure next week, and making sure to book in for fuel and pump-out on monday afternoon. Jeff, one of the brothers who runs the marina was full of advice for our run across from here to Florida. He advised me to come back later to talk to their dad, Dwight, who has the intimate knowledge of this area.
On the way back to the boat...full of all this information, I was walking past Solitaire, the lovely Sportfisher, glanced back to see some of her rope dangling in the water and made a split second decision to recover it for them. Rope in the water isnt a good thing!
As I turned (this all in retrospect, of course, and now that I REALLy think about it) I must have caught my foot on the concrete walkway somehow and next minute I was head first into the water.

Of course my glasses were sucked off me the minute I entered the water! Sheesh...more on that later...

I managed to not swallow too much of the awful water, but the wind is very cold this morning (making me want to find my sweater) so trying to keep myself warm, at the same time yell for help was a bit challenging.
There are no ladders on our side of the dock..and this is a floating dock, so it moves with the water.
Fortunately I was just below a couple of large cleats, so could hang on. Also, the rope I had gone to retrieve, was there to assist, also.
I feel like such an idiot, on top of the finger episode.

Waz had heard my yelling (he was down in the engine room, so reasonably insulated against the real world) but thought I was yelling at one of the boats going too fast down the canal out front of the boat.
He eventually came to my aid, as did Tim, our neighbor. Bill, off the little steamer (wooden boat) happened along the dock about this time. Being as I am not a small person, have a bung finger, and was fully clothe, getting me out without aids of any kind was going to be a challenge.
Waz went for the swim ladder we have on the boat. Tim followed instructions to get the rug off the chair in our living space and returned with it, and Bill fixed a rope loop for me to get a foot into.
Having lathered my body with hand cream not so long ago, I was a bit slippery! sheesh!

I finally got enough of a footing on Solitaires ropes to push my body forward in a roll. Oh..I forgot...another thing hampering me was the left rib which had been broken a month ago:)
So, couldnt roll on that side, especially over the top of a clean, which was in the way.
I did get out, rolled over and sat up with rug around me..thanks Tim!...and recovered enough to shower and discover all the scrapes and bruises. I guess more of the latter will come out later. I have a sore left hip and knee, but that is minor in the scheme of things. Waz is now thinking I cannot leave the boat without a lifejacket on, a bumper pad around me and full suit of body armor! Dont blame him!!!

Well, it makes for good reading, doesnt it? lol.

So, here I am, sitting with a cuppa in the warmth of the cabin and telling you all about it. I could have kept it to myself, but that wouldnt be nearly as entertaining now, would it?
I am fine, just annoyed about the expense of having to get new glasses made. Fortunately I have a pair of prescription sunglasses that will have to suffice until I get another pair made for less than a week, it appears.
We were hoping to be out of here by tuesday next week because of the week of fine weather coming. Well, we may yet make do with some off the shelf reading glasses, and a couple of other $20 glasses.
We might get Waz some too, as we cant afford to be without any of them now.

Lets hope the rest of the day is without incident!
We were going to get up early and catch the shuttle into town, today...too bad we didnt! :)
In the meantime, I will take extra care..which is silly, because I am SOOOO aware that I need to take extra care, all the time, so I will continue to take extra care, and look where I am putting my feet et al.

We dont need too many of these  affairs.

Yesterday we didnt do a whole lot...I say that then think of everything, lol.

We got up at 9am, or thereabouts, after a really good nights' sleep, had scrambled eggs on whole wheat English Muffins and our favorite community coffee, then went walking for a bit.
We had intended to do housework yesterday, of course, but things have a habbit of not going according to plan, around here.

With lunch  looming, I didnt know what to decided on scones with jam and cream (which needed something doing to it before it went bad). Tim, our neighbor on Big Fish, was there all day yesterday, so he got an invite to join us.
I wont go so far as to say he is now an honorary kiwi, but he is definitely getting the hang of some of our peculiarities:)..maybe by the time we leave, Tim!
He watched Waz dollop cream onto the plate and followed suit. Only problem was, he needed a fork to eat with:) messy pup!!! but hey, enjoyment is what it is all about, right?
We always enjoy Tim's company. As a former pharmaceutical salesman and corporate trainer, he has the gift of the gab and a quick wit...much appreciated around here:)We also learn a lot from him as he has lived in this area for many years. I have to say also that he is a VERY appreciative guest when it comes to the food:)
Sooo.. of course he got an invite to dinner too!!

Yes, after shining up the gang-plank...the thing that goes over the top of the dinghy and acts as our the afternoon sun...we were faced with dinner...again. Some days are a struggle to think what to cook.
Waz suggested getting pizza delivered, so Tim, the food oracle was consulted. His phone talks to him, so he consulted that for the closest delivery place. Didnt happen!
I had taken our last pot of Kemah crab parts out of the freezer when we were defrosting it (WHO was defrosting it, says Waz???:)  )so that was sitting in the fridge waiting for crab cakes to be on the menu again. Oh, what the heck...I made 15 crab cakes and used the whole pot up...with salad and some Lindemans (Aussie) Chardonnay to go with.
Another enjoyable evening with our neighbor, followed by reading and a few chores.

We finally hit the sack just after 11pm..Waz had been snoozing (as he seems to do most nights) on the sofa for an hour or so already, so he fell into bed, lights out!

We were a bit earlier this morning, and while we started out eating our breakfast on the cockpit deck, we soon came back inside, such was the cool wind blowing. I have to say it is very welcome. After my 'dip' in the canal (I had shorts on then), I changed into a pair of jeans.

Waz had gone up to the office while I ask if there was someone who dives, on staff. They told us it would be cheaper to get another pair of glasses. Bill asked if they could also dive for his BMW car keys which he dropped overboard...the new ones cost him $600!!!!
As it has turned out, and while writing this, I think we will wait till we are in Florida to pursue the prescription glasses route. We will go into town tomorrow and find some cheapies that will do the trick for now.
Ok.. Im off to vacuum...well, I think I am. Waz insisted that I take some Aleve (Ibuprofen- anti-inflam) because I am sporting a few bruises and aches and pains. Perhaps moving will help with that, rather than sitting all day?
Whatever I do, it will be with great care, I can assure you of that!!!

Ciao for now. Lets hope today turns into another ordinary day!:)

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