The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Monday,30th September.

...and there goes the month of September! Heavens!

I made buttermilk pancakes for breakfast this morning with banana and REAL Canadian Maple Syrup. Nothing quite like it!
Feeling motivated to do some more baking for the freezer, I immediately put a dough mix into the bread maker and got cracking with preparing to make cinnamon buns.
The dough only takes 1.1/2 hrs to mix ready for forming into whatever I choose, so this if a perfect time to do other small taskes. I put raisins and allspice in the bread mix, as I love the smell and taste of both. I put cinnamon in with the brown sugar to be spread on the flattened dough ready for rolling. A light brushing of butter on the dough and sprinkling of the cinnamon mix and then chopped pecans. I LOVE Pecans, and tis is certainly pecan territory!
The wind was blowing  and it was wonderful to let all that fresh air flow through the boat to clean out any lingering bad smells that might have they do in small confined spaces. I did put the aircon on to make the rolls though, as I had ascertained that too much warm air and humidity would ruin them. They rose beautifull and baked well, though I was forced to put too many on the tray and consequently, some were smaller than others. Thems the breaks. They tasted good, coz we enjoyed a late afternoon tea with a roll straight out of the oven.
I packaged them up for freezing once cold and kept a couple out for our breakfast on Tuesday,
I also felt inclined, while the oven was hot, to make some cookies. We try to avoid cookies and anything else with sugar, but I wanted to be able to give some to Katherine and Jim. I know they are dieting, but Im sure one or two wont hurt them if eaten judiciously?

While the rolls were proving, we took the cookies down to their boat and had a small stroll in the process. Jim was inside their 45fter putting new panelling up with the help of their two boat cats, apparently:) Im sure they were LOTS of help. These are two Berman cats...not allowed off the boat!

I had taken some Aidells Pinapple sausages out of the freezer earlier in the day, for dinner, and set about making an orzo salad before putting the onions and sausages on to cook. Chopped tomatoes, cucumber, olives and artichokes all went into the salad along with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. A little salt and pepper and some herbs, and yummo! All done. There is enough left over for lunch tomorrow or the next day.
This is the count down to us leaving Delcambre on Wednesday morning.
A walk around town again, this time without the accompaniment of the Mozzies, and a much cooler evening breeze, and home to read and bed. We are nicely tired:)

I have been meaning to remark on the state of the roads/highways around here. Shocking!!!!! absolutely bone jarring! Concrete roads that have large expansion joints for the heat make for noise and body jarring for miles and miles. Occassionally we come to an asphalt road, and it is a pleasure to drive on, but not these concrete ones. Mind you , it has to be concrete on the roads because the enormous heat here just melts everything else.

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