Even though it took most of the morning to record the doings of the previous day etc, the afternoon was a busy one for us.
Breakfast filled us up, so we weren't exactly hungry, but we knew that if we went out before eating lunch, the worms would be biting half way up the main drag and we might have a repeat of yesterday, when I was going to pass out from hunger (well, maybe!)
We ate a 'pile it all on the table and take your pick' type lunch, and departed for the first of the chores.
Finding somewhere to put our kitchen trash that had missed being picked up on Wednesday. We couldn't wait for next week, coz things were a bit high out back in the closed bucket we normally keep the food trash.
The recycling also needed to be dealt with. We just have nowhere on the boat to store extras!
First up, trash. I wont tell you anything other than to say it was legally and well taken care of! fini!
The recycling was dealt with at the local Publix supermarket where they have bins for such stuff. Yay!
Next we had to look for some window catches to replace the ones that are breaking on our sliding windows. We knew this was going to be challenging, but off we went anyway. We chose the RV sales and service place down the Hwy further towards Punta Gorda, but not over the bridge. First we stopped off at a lucky find...a canvas sewer...for some canvas clips that were missing. He gave them to us! kind fellow!
The RV supplies place was doing a roaring trade!! so many 'nearly dead's' in there as to be an embarrassment. I'm not joking when I say that. These people were well over the age limit where they should legally be driving. Some of them could barely walk and get into their vehicles. Scary!
They didn't have the parts we sought, so we decided, just for the fun of it, to go and take a look at some of the huge motor homes and RV's for sale next door.
Next stop the Library. We had magazines to return, and we got waylaid in the Friends of the Library Book store, as we did last time, buying two books this time, $1.50, thanks!:)
You know you are in Florida when....
Come to think of it...we hardly ever see any children! Hmmmmm...unless they are accompanied by their grandparents. Interesting!
So, after the Library, we had to get to Home Depot where Waz looked for and found machine screws to hold the cover on the Kobalt (auto pilot hydraulic pump) pump. He also decided he needed some more tools for the Dremel.
It was 4.30pm by now and we needed a refreshment...Starbucks wasn't far away and we had a gift card we needed to use. Latte for him, and a salted caramel frappucino for me...hold most of the sweet stuff!
So, while we were in the vicinity, we visited Sam's Club.
The contents of the fridge was down to things I didn't want to eat, let alone cook, so it was time to fill it up with something a bit more exciting.
I had been hankering after some fish for quite a while, and found this today. Two meals for us out of this side of 'Steelhead Trout'.
We finished our 'list' of out and about jobs, and came home in the after work traffic.
Dinner was started almost immediately, and in the process, I had a little 'bleeder'!
I was making scalloped potatoes using the mandolin, and somehow...don't ask me how...I got my little finger in the way of the blade, and did a bit of damage..like, took a chunk out of the pad! It bled profusely...and was no help at all when I needed to get the spuds into the oven to start cooking (45 mins ) Waz had to finish the job for me and I was holding a wad of paper towel on the wound trying to put enough pressure on it, while trying to get the rest of the dinner sorted. His nibs ended up wrapping it in easy stick bandage, and so it remains!
I have just about had enough of damaging myself! seriously. One of my friends suggested that Waz shouldn't let me do anything unsupervised. She may have a point there. I do honestly take all the care possible!! truly!!!
And while we are showing finger photos, I thought you might like to see what the index finger looks like now it has had some time to heal.
So, another interesting day in the life of....and then it rained cats, dogs and sharks (nah!) and everything is wet out back and up top, and it is humid and damp. blech!
I am going to go and make the bed so we can get into it. Yes, some of us do make the bed first. I remember a certain person from my past who didn't understand this strange habit, declaring "But you are only going to get back into it and mess it all up again!!!!"
I personally cannot sleep in a bed that hasn't been made. It is a physical impossibility, not to mention an emotional and sensual impossibility!!! If there are creases in the sheets, I feel each and every one of them. No go! Straight, tight sheets make for happy sleeps:)
So, with that, I will go and insure a good night's sleep and tighten those sheets to within an inch of their lives.
Sleep well, my pretties:) Night, Night!
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