The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Out and about followed by a dinner..welllll..ummm fiasco!

I have run out of plain white flour. This is significant, because I am not buying any more...well, for at least a while. Until the Whole wheat flour is finished.

Waz and Len were to go to Miami to look at a boat, this morning. In order for Waz to be well fed, I made fresh blueberry (vs frozen) whole wheat pancakes accompanied by banana rings and fresh strawberries etc. They were not the same as the light fluffies we are used to, but they were almost as good. Heavier, of course, but they tasted ok, generally.
So, well fed, I took him over to Fisherman's Village to meet Len, and off they went from there. Len's client requested that he take a look at this 145 footer docked at William's Island, Ventura,  Miami.

After I left Waz and Len, I made my way back up Hwy 41 to the Bealls Outlet store at the Port Charlotte shops. I was determined to find a new swimsuit...something I hadn't been able to, or had the desire to do while the two of us were shopping, before. I guess there is something to a woman doing some of these things on her own!

I did find a swimsuit, but I haven't tried it on yet...Maybe tomorrow. I HATE trying clothes on in the and sticky and not very private and the mirrors don't ever make you look very good! all the excuses under the sun, right?:)
After I paid...and this is a trick...I opened a credit card account in order to get an extra 20% off the instead of $78, it now cost me $47 (after the already discounted price of 25% off). That sounds more like the price I would have paid, anyway. $78 for the swimsuit is nuts!
I also found, on my way out of the store, a really nice black and white striped knit top with 3/4 sleeves, which will be useful...and again got the extra 20% off, using my new card. I can go online tomorrow and cancel it, if I want to!

Came home, didn't know what to eat, so I didn't, and then ended up eating some potato chips and a couple of mandarins...a bit of a blah day, today.
Stefie came over and did a tour of the boat, never having been inside before. We sat and chatted for a while and then she left to do other things, and I finally started a new book, taking it up to the fly deck to enjoy the afternoon sun, about 3.30pm. I sat up there with my bottle of water for an hour and half, and then closed all the glas up as it was getting cool and damp.

Stef came out to tell me the guys would be home by 6.30pm, and did I want to go for sushi?
Never one to turn down sushi, of course the answer was YES!:)

We got there (Punta Gorda) at around 7pm. This Japanese restaurant was one Len and Stef had been to  before and enjoyed the food.
We waited quite a while for the waitress to come and take our order. The men decided on Duck, and Stef and I decided to go for sushi. We filled out the sushi form, and waited. the waitress finally took our orders, which included some tempura to start (just as well, as it turned out) and then the rest of the order.

We waited...more people came in. The waitress told us she would bring the men's food, coz it was hot and she didn't want to wait for the sushi for the duck to get cold.
The men got their food and ate it while Stef and I picked at some of Len's unwanted condiments. Time passed, and the table across from us was served their large order of sushi, etc. They apparently were questioning what some of the sushi was, and then finally decided that wasn't something they had ordered, and it was taken back to the bar. It was our order, but they had eaten parts of it, so it couldn't be served to us. We waited for the chef to make another order for us. He had other customers waiting for sushi, so ours was last in line. The waitress and chef, who may have been husband and wife (come to think of it) were berating each other in public. It appears that the other table had such a large order, and the chef didn't put our order paper WITH our order, and told the waitress to take it all to the other table. She did. Meanwhile we had to wait until almost 9pm for our Sushi to arrive.
Fortunately Stef and I had been nibbling on the other food, or we would have been starving.
When it came, the sushi was reasonable, but by no means anything special. Their sushi rice could have easily had more seasoning, and some of the condiments could easily have had less sugar. They were very sweet!
While we ate, Len ordered some Gyoza (little, fried, pork dumplings) for he and Waz to eat while we ate.

Stefie is careful to eat only cooked seafood, being pregnant, so she didn't eat the salmon eggs (Ikura), but did eat the Crispy salmon skin sushi and the Eel Nigiri...(Unagi).

They didn't charge us for the Sushi, after all that waiting, for which we were grateful. Perhaps we will try a different sushi restaurant next time.

Waz and Len got home before 6.30pm, and like a good husband, had taken lots of photos of the boat:) He knew I would want to see them all.
Sorry...I cant show the photos here:(

It is a 20 yr old boat, and is beginning to show it's age. Strangely enough, the Professional Captain is a Kiwi, so he and Waz had a good old chat. Turns out he is from the North Shore, an area where we used to live:) When this boat is sold, he will go to the Med. to captain the other boat the owners have there.

Tomorrow, we are meeting up with Katie and Dean, who will be getting a bit of a rough ride out in the harbor tonight...thunder and lightning at present. It is also raining...or was.

It has been hot and humid all day, so perhaps the rain will get rid of some of that...lets hope!

I am still really full, and don't like sleeping with a full stomach, but it isn't a good night to go for a walk..bummer.

We are meeting friends of Katie and Dean, who have done the Loop in the past. We will pick their brains if possible...Dean says they are happy to have them picked.:)

For now, it is going to be lights out!
Night Night.

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