The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Friday 24 January 2014

More Port Charlotte to Key West...

I will begin this by talking about the Key Deer. This is because I will otherwise forget!!

As we began our journey off the Keys, along the highway, and as we entered the Key Deer Habitat area, we were privileged to see one of these little creatures. The speed limit is 45mph during the daytime hours and 35mph from dusk to dawn. We can see why, now. The deer are an endangered species and endemic to Deer Key. They are much smaller than 'normal' sized deer, whatever that is, but the reason for going slow was made very clear to us when this animal crossed the road directly ahead of the car in front of us. The animal ran to the right hand side of the road, along the Deer fence. There are gaps in the fence, but we were a little puzzled as to why there is high fencing all along the roadside, but then gaps where the deer can move across to the other side...but we didn't see a  corresponding gap on the other side. Im sure the powers that be have it all figgered out!

I would also like to say that I was wrong about Marathon being on Boot Key, when it is actually on Vaca Key. Boot Key is off to the side of Vaca Key.
 The county park and marina is actually on Vaca Key, at Marathon. The mooring fields are huge, as I have said, and if you go to this area on Google Earth, you will see just how extensive they are.

The marina is very well organized for this vast number of boats...and I didn't mention that there is a waiting list for the buoys....Dean and Katie were number 9 on the waiting list on Wednesday. They may not be on the buoy yet! Not a lot of going in this cold front weather.

Marathon is where so many boats leave from to go to the Bahamas, Exumas and the Abaco Islands. There are other 'jumping off' places up the Florida Coast. The Gulf Stream runs pretty swift through the Atlantic between the mainland USA and the Islands off the coast.

The whole Florida Keys are a little hard to keep up with, if you think you are going to make note of and take photos of all the sign posts along the highway. You leave one Key and immediately find yourself on another. The bridges over the various Channels are just as hard to keep up with. There are some funny names for these channels...the most notable, in this winter season, is the Ohio Missouri Channel!! Somehow it doesn't 'fit' with the whole Florida as Winter Paradise thang!

Perhaps the thing you notice most in this area is the color of the water. It is turquoise green because of the white coral sand bottom. This is true of the Outer Islands too, we are told. It was great to be able to see the bottom of the ocean in most places.

Being so clear, we were able to photograph the huge Tarpon (fish) and others swimming around the pier in Key West.

Haven't identified this one yet. I will amend when I do.

Tarpon head. This fish was at least 6 ft long.

The fish were swimming around below the Pelican.

The Pelicans were actually shivering, the wind was so cold, just as the sun was going down.
The Brown Pelicans are such beautiful birds...
The cones on top of the poles are designed to keep birds OFF, lol.

Key West is an interesting place. More interesting than any other resort town? About the same, in my opinion, having spent enough of my life living in resort towns to know the difference. The tropical climate seems to attract Liberal Thinkers who want a less complex life.
 Island time is great, if you aren't trying to get things done! You just have to be patient, is all.
Here are a few fun things that took our fancy.

Gorgeous roosters everywhere.

Cool dude!

This lock apparently dates back to the early 1800's.

Cutie...couldn't resist taking this photo:)

Oh yes...lots of pirate flags!


Loved this sign!

Bored puppy in the bar above.

Spiderman was harassing the tourists:)

These bikes, like all other kinds of bikes, were for rent.

In a private garden.

We left Dean and Katie back at the Marina after brunch, and we continued on our way towards Key West. We didn't feel the need to rush. We didn't have a booked room anywhere for wed. night, but we didn't really care. We knew we probably could find a room if we needed to, somewhere along the way north.

The road in and out of the keys is the same one, and it was pretty busy.  When we arrived at the T-junction at Key West , we took a left turn instead of a right turn, taking us away from the main tourist areas. We had heard from Al and Kaye that parking is expensive close to the 'action'. We don't mind a long walk, and parked down the other end of town at South Street. This was actually fortuitous, as we were just down the road from a couple of Landmarks. One was the buoy marking the last place on US soil, and only 90 miles from Cuba!
People were lining up along the sidewalk to have their photo taken in front of the Buoy.  This is the southern most point of the United States.
On this side of the Island....
This is really a beautiful old home...

Leafy, green and tropical homes

Modes of transport...

There are three Military installations/bases on Key West. This is just one of them.

We walked towards the Old Town along various streets, going in the same direction and marveled at the numbers of tourists riding rental bikes, in golf carts..rental, again and other modes of transport. The trolley cars were packed with tourists taking The Tour of the Island and being dropped off at various points of interest.
We didn't have an agenda other than looking around, finding the Pier and water, and enjoying all the sights/animals/people. The latter are probably the most fun to watch.
More photos of modes of transport!

and last but not least...Pigeon Power!

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