The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Sunday 5 January 2014

Nah nah NAH! Tiki-touring again, YAY!

Sooo good to be on the water again, even if it is only in the Dinghy, and what a purrrfect day for it:)
I am guessing the cold snap is yet to come...but today you wouldn't have thought we were getting anything other than summer temps. It was 78.7F in the salon as we made ready to go touring, which means it must have been well over 80F outside.
Leaving the big baby behind to go tiki-touring in the dinghy.

The end of the canal is in sight.

This Peli was getting a belly full today, but we were seriously worried that he was going to do himself some damage each time he dove into the water alongside the seawall...just a bit too close! He came up with a mouthful each time though.

 The big white home on the right hand side of the canal entry, one street over.

The same home. The harbor side of this home is not at all attractive, as it is all lawn and no other landscaping.

See the sign on the left side there....and see the markers going straight down the middle of the photo? Well, that is the channel we came down the harbor towards this canal, to get to Len's dock. the sign, we have to do a hard 120 degree turn , going left, in this photo, but in actuality, turning to starb'd or right. Then it was a hard 90 degree turn to the left to get into the canal where the boat now resides.

We have just come out of our canal, so here you can see the white house where we had to turn hard right to go alongside the seawall on the right of the photo, then left into the canal...if you follow the wake...does that make sense? The white house is one canal over from ours.
This home is unfinished. It sits on the corner of our canal and the harbor.  It has been in the works for a long time according to the natives! The pool will be front and center eventually...if they ever finish it. What a waste, if they don't.
This façade faces the harbor.

As usual, we went in and out of the various canals at a leisurely is a no wake zone, which is fine with us. We have walked all these streets, so we know the properties from the street
side, and it was fascinating seeing them from the water side. Often the water side is much nicer!

Lots of bird life out on the water and pilings today.
This canal opens onto a 'Lake' called 'Edgewater Lake' which is rather nice...and the outlook is 'roomy', if you know what I mean. We think we would like to live on the lake.
This home on Beany Rd  has been being built for the past five years, apparently. I think I have told you about this before...anyway...the owners apparently only do some more building when they have the cash to do so. Might make sense, except that they didn't put the roof on for the longest time, and then spent a lot of time and energy removing all the plywood that had rotted in the meantime. It could be quite nice...

We have decided that you really need a lot of trees for shade, in this climate. This home is a great example of more lush landscaping.

Waz has been sneezing his head off for days now. We think he has allergies because  his asthma has been playing up too.
As you can see, it was hot enough to warrant hats and sunscreen.
We have been informed by the neighbors opposite this property (across the canal) that this home recently sold for $525k. It is on a very attractive corner lot with long seawall, bit it has been empty for ages. It was listed initially in the high 600k's, we are told. Not much landscaping! Perhaps it might have sold for more if the property had really been taken care of and landscaped beautifully??
We have seen this vacant corner lot from the road side, so it was good to take a look from the sea side. Nice!
One home had put up this pole for the Osprey to nest in:)

We can see this Catamaran from the road with  it's lights and wreath, all lit up at night. Very festive:)

This is Edgewater Lake...Pretty!

I am particularly taken with this home. Both for the greenery and the orientation of the covered pool that you can see here . It is another corner lot!

Hmm...a bit too shallow. We were blatting along and suddenly Waz cut the throttle back...there was literally only two feet of water under us! and this was out in the harbor! Do you understand why I am soooo paranoid??? and we were in the dinghy!!! imagine being in the big boat with a 4.6ft draft? I rest my case!:)

Punta Gorda on the other side of the harbor.

Running full tilt through the markers, just coz we could and Waz needed to do it:)

I had a hard time focusing, so this one didn't quite make it...too bumpy and fast!
We came home for some lunch and a cuppa. It is hot and thirsty work, blatting around:)
We washed down the dinghy, cleaned out the motor with fresh water, and pulled her up with the Passarelle.
We had a minor mishap with the lift and that is a work in progress. Nothing to sweat about.
We spent the afternoon doing odd jobs, per usual. I went to visit with Stefie who was taking down all her gorgeous Christmas decorations and putting them back in their plastic bins. It is always fun putting them up, but taking them down...bah!
Sitting out on the cockpit seat in the late afternoon sun with a book was lovely. It did get a bit cooler, bit in a nice way. Waz had a good nap inside in the meantime.
We ate dinner out again at the Kentucky Fried Buffet.  I have lost interest in what is in the fridge....I need to clean it out tomorrow and be a bit creative with the contents, perhaps? 
The place was busy tonight, and we surmised, looking around, that the people who predominantly eat there are the obese and the elderly!  All you can eat buffet are fantastic value for both.
After our chicken dinner, we drove over to Punta Gorda and parked so that we could walk across the bridge between Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. There were a few of us out there tonight. It was lovely and warm and we took time to stop occasionally and look at the stars and the 1/4 moon. There were a couple of pelicans diving for food off the bridge, which always fascinates us.
When we got back towards the car, we made a small detour to walk under the motor bridge and along the sea wall. We heard lots of squeaking that we at first thought was small birds or crickets. It wasn't. We found the source...coming out of cracks where the concrete bridge pilings meet, were tiny, quick as a flash BATS! We tried to take photos, but they were too fast, and we didn't have the right equipment. Next time!
Home we came, and are just finishing a cup of tea prior to hitting the sack. I have removed the duvet, because it proved too hot, last night, so we now have the quilt back on. Im hoping I get a better night's sleep tonight, being a bit cooler.
Well, me hearties...time for bed. Sleep well, and goodnight!

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