The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Thursday 19 December 2013

A day at the coal face.

Isn't it amazing what you can achieve when you feel the urge?

Today, Waz went searching in Hardware stores for the right components to 'fix' the sliding door on the boat.This has been an issue for us since we first stepped foot on the boat.
Len had pointed out waaaaaaaaayyy back at the beginning, that the door probably had a 'flat roller'. He was right, and we knew it, but didn't get around to fixing it until today! It only took 6 months...TODAY!! is our 6 month anniversary onboard:)
Waz says it isn't that we just got around to it, but more that he FOUND the right parts, having looked for ages in other centers. So, let's just say it has been 'in the works' for a while!

Now that it doesn't jump and grind every time we slide it back, we wont know if someone is coming or going. Bummer! The noise would have frightened most people:)
Now, it is so quiet and smooth!!!

He also changed out the access hatch cover for the Pasarelle (the stainless stair thingy that lifts our Dinghy at the back of the boat) mounts and hydraulics. The old one was about to give up the ghost.

That all took a good while because the door was a little complicated by screws that sheered off and had to be removed by other means.

I finally got the sewing machine out, after lunch, and attacked the pile of mending and ironing...having turned the iron on too! I have left it all in place on the fly deck as I have to go back there tomorrow and take up two pairs of trousers for Waz.
What a gorgeous day, today, and don't you love the view? t was so hot up there I had to have to fan on either while I was ironing, or when I was sewing.
I also finished the two baby blankets. If you remember, I was going to make swaddling, but decided to make the blankets, as I thought they would be more versatile. I made some for my kids and found lots of uses for them over the years.

I love watching the bird life around here. We are fortunate to see Osprey on a daily basis, circling either high overhead on some thermal, up there, or flying low over the water before picking a fish out of the drink.
These Ibis are from the same family we had to stop for not so long ago, so they could cross the road. That is the same baby, on the right. They fly throughout the neighborhood and are fascinating to watch as they stick they long curved beaks into the dirt for worms and bugs.

We enjoyed a bowl of popcorn on the flydeck as the sun was going down, and then I went down to make an early dinner. We had decided to go to the movies again, We really wanted to see' Last Vegas. This time we would get there in time!!
We had leftovers for dinner with a large green salad, and took off at 7.15, for the theatre. It was a late night for shopping in the mall, so things were pretty busy when we arrived. Like many theatres, this block has an entry from the Mall as well as outside.
The Movie was hilarious. We so enjoyed watching these veteran actors together, playing men their own age.
Michael Douglas. Robert de Niro, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Klein. A great team!
What was significant about this movie, asked Waz,  as we stood to leave the theatre?
My guesses weren't correct, but he rightly noticed that there were NO cigarettes or smokers in the movie whatsoever! WOW! Fantastic. We get so sick of watching people smoke, in most other movies. Not our thing!
Anyway, if you get the opportunity, go and see this movie, if you want a great laugh:)
Here we are home again, and I can rest easy. My youngest child has arrived at his overseas destination in one piece and reports having had lots of sleep on the way overnight flight.
Well, time to read a book before turning in. It is 11pm, and Im wired. That's what a good laugh does for you:)
Night, Night!

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