The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Saturday 28 December 2013

There is always something...

...that needs replacing.
Good thing Warren noticed that the shower hose was coming apart near the handgrip, coz I wouldn't have noticed until water sprayed everywhere at me! I don't see these things without my glasses on and I don't wear them in the shower! His eyesight is pretty good for the most part, so he spies the offenders easily.
Of course this necessitated a visit to Lowes. It is closer to us than Home Depot.

On the way there we spied the larger of two Health Food markets, and decided to take a wee look. The recce took about 20 mins, coz you cant do a recce any justice under that...says who? Well, I know this for a fact. Trust me!

Having recce'd to our hearts content, we ventured forth to Lowes in search of another shower hose. Waz, of course had already looked it up online and discovered that there was a choice of half a dozen to be had, but of course, the choice was more limited ONE! ACK! We bought it, coz it fortunately was what we wanted. While there we perused the vast assortment of Home Handyman, House Plans, New Kitchen/bathroom, Patios and decks etc.. books. I have a large library of such books in the lock-up in NZ.

Just to go back a I like to keep you on your toes:)

Breakfast this morning was a bit of a challenge. Some might rightly ask why I had proceeded with the course of action I chose. Who knows, is the correct answer to that one!

I had just a tiny bit of Buttermilk left in the bottle and didn't want to throw it out. I had frozen blueberries in the freezer, and I had MOST of the makings of Blueberry buttermilk pancakes.
Half way through making them I discovered that I didn't have any eggs left. Hmmm...and when I added the buttermilk to what would normally be the oil and egg, there was far less than I had anticipated. Hmmmmmm!
Because I don't add sugar to my pancake mix (I let the fruit do the sweetening), I decided to just add plain milk to the buttermilk mixture...but...brain malfunction!!!.... I added too much milk (being more watery) that I would have normally to compensate for the lack of B-milk. Sheesh! Talk about go back to bed and start again!
So, I ended up adding another half cup of flour and half tspn of Baking Powder to the mix.
I didn't like the purple heavy mix, but Waz said he would eat them anyway...bless his cotton sox, lol.

Purple mix meant I had over-mixed the whole thing with the berries in it, and you never want to do that with pancakes. Anyway...they turned out ok, if a bit heavy. Not a happy beginning to the day, but the coffee made up for it all:) Community Coffee is fantastic! If you ever come across it, buy the Breakfast Blend! splendiferous!

We actually went out in the first place to get food...not a lot, but we had run out of eggs...see above...and needed some more bananas etc. The cooler just inside the door was advertising Pork Loin for $1.99 lb, so we bought two large loins...$8.72 for one that would feed 6, and another about the same size to freeze. Buttermilk was also on the agenda, as was cream. We are unabashed cream eaters.
Waz found some Michelob Light beer for sale, and bought a dozen for $10.99. He only drinks it when we go next door for happy hour occasionally.

We didn't intend going to Sam's Club, but we arrived there after our Lowes visit. We needed to put some Gas in the car, and at $3.25 9/10, it is the cheapest Gas in town, with our club card. Filled up then went inside for a pineapple at $2.98 and  few other things. Lots of post- Christmas specials on there too, with 50% off lots of Deco's and gift baskets...if I was inclined to indulge in some of the goodies, they would have been a good buy. No choc for me this year!  Waz went looking for Chrissy lights, and didn't find them, much to his disappointment. He swears that next year he will decorate the boat. Blames me for 'not letting him' do it this year! ha! I think we just had better things to spend our money on than something that sits around taking up precious space for 11 months of the year...Grinch!!!
On the way home, at 1.45pm, the worms were biting (hungry) so we stopped off at Wally's to buy some takeout pulled pork. We had seen their takeout menu when we had ribs there last week, and meant to stop off and get some. We did think the portions was a bit small for the price, but there is enough there for lunch tomorrow also.

I had some Corned Beef in the fridge,  ready to be cooked, on our return, and decided to go the whole hog and roast the pork loin as well. I put a pot on the inductions cooktop to boil the Corned Beef and placed the roast in a pan, oiled and salted and popped it into the Micro-convection oven for 1 1/2 hrs. Both meats were cooked at around the same time, so I cooled the CB and set that aside. One half for the fridge and the other to go into the freezer downstairs. The pork I left sitting in the oven and used that for dinner, with enough left over to put 1/2 in the freezer and the other half for dinner tomorrow night. It was lovely and moist, despite me roasting it at 400F. So, I can relax about meals for another few days. I have some sewing to do, so don't want to have to think too much about what to cook, and then have to take precious sewing time out to make food.

Waz tells me it is going to rain tomorrow. Bah! Just when I need to be upstairs using that table to sew on....My upstairs sewing room that I showed you a week ago.
We have just been for our nightly constitutional up and down the road. It is cool, but not, if you know what I mean. It is 77F in the salon and the wind is coming from the south, so water is woofing under the stern of the boat...not a sound I like to hear.
It does mean we get a bit of a breeze in the salon door.
I finished taking down the three loads of washing we put through between other activities today, and was surprised that it continued drying after sundown. I usually have to wait for morning to take it down as there is so much moisture in the air. Today it was 85F, and rather warm. I had put longs on to start the day, and wished I had just put shorts on.
It is now 10.30pm. Time for a cool shower, and bed. Sunday tomorrow.
Enjoy the weekend, folks...what is left of it, that is:)

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