The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Another lovely but cool morning here is Pt Charlotte

I have been threatening to take the auto-correct off this machine for a while now. If my writing sometimes looks a bit weird (well, we wont go there!) for reasons other than the obvious typos, then you will know that auto-correct has been playing! yes sir! in my absence too!!

To finish of yesterday!

After the Poo Truck left, we did some fluffing around and suddenly realised it was 1.30pm. No wonder we were hungry!
Got the eyeglass prescription out of it's hiding place and high tailed it outta here. You know, each time I go out without my camera, there are some beauties, you, dear reader, are missing out on. I know I have my cell phone camera, but that too was missing from the handbag yesterday! bummer!

In 2010, when Waz and I were in TX for two weeks, we had gone to a couple of fantastic Chinese Buffet for dinner. Well, as we were driving up the Hwy on the way to Sam's Club, we spied one...hmmm..lunch, and we could 'smell' the food!!riiiight.
So, we veered off the Hwy, and parked next to the Buffet house. We asked an elderly couple (well, there aren't any young ones here!) how the food was, as they were heading for their car. They assured us with much head nodding etc that the food was fantastic, and the price was even more fantastic. We should have gone with the last comment and high tailed it out of there. Cheap is as cheap does, in my book. But we didn't head those little inner voices over the rumbling in our stomachs. Silly people!
It was like entering a cave, so dark was the reception area. The lights were dim in the dining room, as if it were night time, and though there were plenty of Bain Marie full of food, and quite a few (old people) sitting in the dining room, there was something not quite right about the place. Intuition? olfactory senses at work? both?hmmm....

Well, we were shown to a table, dropped our jackets (yes, it was cool yesterday) and wandered to the food...and wandered around the dessert, which was at the front of the line..of course. Nothing striking there, and No, I wasn't going to participate in that section!
We each chose our picking out most of the broccoli from the Beef/broccoli because the veg dish (1) didn't look very appetising...all full of bok choi, it was! There was a tray full of fried chicken pieces named 'Sweet and Sour chicken", but no orange colored sauce to go with it. The walnut chicken smelled very sweet...didn't take that one either, so I settled on some cucumbers from the salad bar, some Singapore noodles (with some shredded veg in it) and some Japanese Chicken, whatever that was. I think it was that I consider it further. I wont mention here what Waz chose:) He also had dessert!!!!bah! I went back for seconds on the noodles with some more stolen broccoli. Lots of sauces, and as I watched the choices other people were making, I was somewhat the wiser as to the size of some of the patrons!
We came to the conclusion, after surreptitiously looking around, that this was a fantastic place for single seniors to get a somewhat (depending on choice) nutritious meal for very little. Total for the two of us, including Tax was $14.35.

Back on the Hwy to Sam's club, feeling a bit better now, and we are determined not to go 'shopping' there, as it is easy to come out of the place with items you really didn't plan on!
Waz went off to look at the TV sets while I discussed the options for my new glasses with the Asst. Optometrist. Having a pair of prescription sunglasses on really helped me figure out that I wanted to same tri-blended lenses in the new glasses. I wasn't going to, but at the last minute decided to go status quo. I also, at the last minute decided to get the Change Light option. This was $69 more. Waz has this feature on his and likes it, and the technology just keeps getting better.
Sam's Club had three choices of quality and I chose the latest and greatest which will give me the greatest peripheral sight...unlike the previous ones.

The grand total for the best options and the Change Light, with the frameless lenses (as I had before...they are so light)...wait for it....$502.00 including tax. As I said, 1/3 the price of the ones I had in NZ!!! which literally cost me $1, 500.00. HOW is it so expensive in NZ?? Beats me!

So, I just have to wait until the 2nd January for these glasses to magically appear at Sam's Club, and I a in business again with ONE pair of glasses, instead of three!!! Yaya! In NZ I had to wait three weeks for them and that wasn't over the Christmas breaks. The USA is good for SOME things, lol.

From there we went back to Fisherman's wharf to get some of Len's business cards. On our nightly walk, someone had mentioned that they wanted to sell their yacht and we are happy to recommend Len for that purpose, so we promised to drop one of his cards off. Will do that today.

Diagonally across from Len's office is a Yoghurt shop...frozen kind. One of those where you pay by the pound. How easy it is to put too much in your cup...eyes being bigger than belly, and all that...and it ends up costing you a bomb!
I have been off sugar for over a week now, so sought out the sugar-free which came in Strawberrry (quite nice...sweetened with Splendor) and VanillaPod (not so nice). I did put some almond slithers and a couple of tiny choc. turtle pieces on top! (hmmm!!!) . Waz chose Strawberry and Cheesecake, and put gummy bears and some mint thing and tiny maltballs...$8 thanks! phew!! pretty expensive! Ok, wont go there again.
I couldn't finish mine, so gave it to Waz to finish. Not that he is my garbage can or anything...much:)

Cards in hand we walked across the mall to the hairdresser where I opted for a shampoo, cut and blow dry..$44. If I just wanted just a cut, it would be $22.

I have a hard time with hairdressers, but have to say I am becoming a bit fatalistic about the whole haircutting experience. Let them do their worst, is really how I think of it now, and if they do a great job, I will be pleasantly surprised!  Well, I have to say I am VERY happy with the job this hairdresser did. She listened to what I wanted, and actually DID it! WOW! so here is the result!

Happy with everything, we came home for a cuppa. It was 4.30pm by now.

Having eaten a large meal for lunch...which works quite well, actually, we ate Al Fresco for dinner. I had lots of leftovers (Len's meal) and little things that I wanted to get out of the fridge. I really enjoy these meals! and I made a fresh fruit salad for dessert. There was enough of the latter left over for breakfast this morning.

I have been trying to put together a Christmas Letter for those folks who don't read the blog, or Facebook or keep up with us in any digital way, but have been having some challenges with the program (Print Shop Deluxe). It keeps spitting me out, so I am about to resort to other measures, as Christmas is approaching rapidly and I NEED to get this off my chest. That took up the rest of the evening, and we went to bed after talking to the youngest child (in NZ) on FB, as he is about to go overseas to visit his father and brother for Christmas. Just doing my motherly 'thang' to make sure he doesn't leave perishables in the fridge while he is away, and has his two passports (US and NZ) otherwise he wont get back into NZ.

We had a smashed banana pancake and fruit salad breakfast, this morning, enjoying the sunshine on the flydeck, this am. As I am about to put this blog to bed, we are off on a tiki-tour. Expect mucho photos. Waz goes onto Google Earth and looks for places for us to visit, as it were. He has spied some..make that LOTS of subdivisions that have all the systems  but no houses, so we are seeking the lots, as it were.
These subdivisions are HUMOUNGAS! and so many of them. We will find out why, shortly.
Fuel at Sam's Club yesterday was $3.269 per US gallon..which is almost 4 ltrs. Eat your hearts out Kiwis!

That's it for now...will check in later.

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