The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Saturday 14 December 2013

On turning the boat around and other exciting things....

We spent the bulk of the morning doing chores, yesterday. Getting rid of 'stuff' seems to takes up inordinate amounts of time. Sheesh..packaging!!!
So, the bathroom is spotless, the carpet and floors are clean again, after two weeks, and the kitchen had a 'once over' to kill anything that might deign to grow/visit or do otherwise in there.
I took all the bins under the sink out of their hiding place and vacuumed pieces of onion skin and other 'stuff' off the floor in there, wiped everything out and down and generally spring cleaned the area. I now know that I have a pair of pink rubber gloves under the sink. I had wondered where they disappeared to:)

Waz had kept an eye on the tide all day, and we watched it go up and up towards 3pm. Len had told us what to watch for on the storm water pipe on the other side of the canal. If the water is over the lip of the drain, there prob. is enough water in the canal to turn this baby.

At 2.30pm, we knocked on Len's door and asked if he had the time to give us a hand with the turning. He came out and helped haul the ropes. Well, there wasn't really any hauling to be done. Waz had set it all up for little old me to do alone, so it was set up for an Idiot to do, basically. Im not that physically able most of the time (old injuries make for a somewhat non-functional first mate), so he has to put ropes in places you might not expect to find them:)

Because the wind was coming from the north, it didnt require brain surgery to turn the girl. Once those stern ropes were loosened and eventually taken off, the stern nice and quietly took itself off out into the middle of the canal as we carefully guided the bow, with it's poking out anchor, past the poles with lights on top and didn't take out the dock as well.
Nice and easy:)
I had visions of the boat floating off down the canal backwards with me skimming the water, while holding a rope, after it! Fanciful, I know, but my brain has always been a bit over-active:)

One could almost say I am a little disappointed there wasn't any 'DRAMA' attached to the whole thing. I MUST let go of these things and RELAXXXXXXXXXXX!, not let go of the boat...the over-active imagination!!!

My poor long-suffering husband!!!

So, here we are and it is Saturday.

I'm supposed to be setting up the sewing machine on the cockpit the breeze. It is hot and sticky inside at 80.6F, even though I have the fan running on high. I would rather have the outside air coming in through all open orifices, than sit in the airconned air, which smells rather nasty on occasion.

Waz has taken the car off to West Marine to exchange a glue product we bought some 5 months ago ...brand new it is...that has gone hard in the bottle. Isnt it always the case, when you want to do something? He has unscrewed some of the handrail beds and is busy filling them with wood glue/filler...well, he knows what it is, even if I don't!, but it is the right stuff, if only it hadn't gone hard before he got to use it.
What is significant about him going out...on his the rental that he hardly ever drives.
I drive!
There are a couple of good reasons for this:
1. I am a HORRID passenger!
2. I do not know how to use the GPS, and he does!
3. I like to be doing something...I hate sitting and not having something to do.
4. I just plain LOVE driving!
So, there! has it's down side. He doesn't get out much on his own...not that he complains or even wants to...but he does need the practice. It might just be having Nervous Nellie me in the car when he is driving ( he had to when I cut my finger), but he does need to remember that he is on the other side of the road!!! He, of course, will tell you that he is just fine, thank you. He is, really!!! :)
He drove on his own forever without me being along for the ride!~

I'm not sure I mentioned that our hosts are expecting their first child around 21st April. ...but you know how things are with babies...they have their own agenda. Anyway....

It makes for easy Christmas gift giving...or does it?

We had thought we would get Len (he isn't reading this I hope...:) ) a baby monitor for Christmas. You know, one of the video kind. Well, there are sooo many to choose from, that we have come up empty handed. Len LOVES gadgets, so, this presents a problem. Do we buy one and give the return docket along with the gift? We have so far opted for naught. Perhaps we will chat with them some more first. Not many days left to chat, Im afraid, as today is the 14th!!!!!

We did find his wife a body pillow...these things are marvelous ...and I wrapped it yesterday with way too many ribbons and bows, but over the top is just fine when you are having fun. The three cats they have will enjoy the paper and ribbons to play with.

Her Mom arrives tonight from Seattle, so we will be five around the table tomorrow night for dinner. We have already been instructed by Len that dinner is on tomorrow night. We will fast all day!

Waz arrived safely back from West Marine with some freebees...a t-shirt and a calendar! woohoo!:(

I forgot to tell you about our morning caper, this morning.

Because I need to keep busy (idle hands and all that...) we found a JoAnn's store just down the road. That gave me the idea or ideas to make something for the upcoming babe. Of course they didnt have the patterns I wanted, in stock, so I took photos...while Waz shot me 'don't do that' glances...but I did anyway. Im a good pattern maker, so will just look at the photo and follow my crooked nose on that front. Im going to make flannel swaddling. Because the baby is a girl....well, we got pink, didnt we!

Im a bit allergic to this gender -typing, but it isn't my baby, so I have to follow the color least I cant go too wrong??? But heck, they sure had some cute fabrics that weren't pink.

Waz had fun looking at everything while I was choosing the fabrics...He made me go and look at his 'finds'....:)

He does need a hobby, and this knitting/crochet might be fun!!:) can you see these on the dashboard?

While in the process of taking photos, I also made sure to check out the other patterns and things in the 'accessories' section of the book....

I really liked this bag...Might steal the design and remodel it!

Just as an aside...and because we are rocking and rolling....
I have to add here, that the water up the stern is going 'woof' under the duck board. This is because we are stern-on to the water coming directly off the harbor, and there is a southerly wind, and there are cigarette and other boats hooning up and down the harbor, making wake!

The tea kettle is on, so it must be 3.30pm. Afternoon tea time:)

oh, I forgot to tell you about the rest of the morning!! golly gosh!

Along from JoAnn's is a Publix supermarket, the very raisin we were there in the first place. Having made the decision not to go to the other end of town to Sam's club for our groceries, we decided to go local.

We found some pretty good prices on the fruit and veg and ended up paying around $78 for the weeks groceries. That doesn't include meat, as we are trying to eat out the freezer, right now. Not bad, getting two iceberg lettuce for $1! 
I had a discussion with the stocker in the dairy section as to why they would bother producing a product like 1/2 and 1/2 that is fat free. The whole idea behind 1/2 and 1/2 is that it is  1/2 milk and half cream. Why make it fat free, for goodness sake?? Waz patiently waited for me to get over this.:)

He also waited for me to have a discussion with a lady wearing an Aussie t-shirt...he was trying to anticipate how many onions I wanted....always a tricky dilemma!!
This woman said she had been to Aussie, via Fiji, and then flew Auckland to Christchurch without doing any of the North Island. She said she wonders why she ever bothered going to Australia...I concurred, of course! She will go back to NZ, she said and 'do' the North Island. When she asked about us, and what we were doing, she said her Hubby wants to do the Loop too...They have a 38ft catamaran that they take to the Bahamas most years. I love hearing other people's stories:)

We got our groceries eventually, and being 1pm, by now, decided to chance ordering Chinese take out from the next door store. It was a little grubby looking, both inside and out, but the food was good...General Tsao's Chicken...which has lots of chillies in it, and some chicken, prawns and pork with veg. We ate that lot sitting upstairs with all the plastic open.

Time for tea and some grapes...and I still need to make a pattern!


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