The Continuing Adventures of Mon and Waz

The Adventures of Captain Warren and First Mate Monica. Having completed America's Great Loop in 2014, life doesn't slow down for these intrepid travelers. Each year brings new challenges; some good, some bad, but challenges nonetheless! 2017 sees them renting an apartment while 'Untide' is For Sale. Life on terra firma isn't all it is cracked up to be, but more change is in the wind. Read on for the latest!

Saturday 14 December 2013

An evening at the movies

We rarely wear watches, so other than having some idea of when the sun goes down and comes up again, and knowing that when the sun is overhead it must be noon...we have little need to know what time it is.
All this is preface for our scuttling to make a 7.35pm movie date, leaving home here at 7.20pm!
Did we realize it was so late in the first place, leisurely eating our dinner on the fly deck, watching the sun go down and then just sitting and contemplating our surroundings? No! I guess you figgered that already, lol.
"Let's go to a movie"...we said in we are apt to do! This of course meant we hussled downstairs to the computers to see what was on at the local Flea Pits...there being only one mega cinema locally.

We had the choice of Last Vegas, which looked like it might be a bit of a hoot...starring Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and someone else I will think of as soon as I have hit the
publish' button!, OR...The kids movie 'Frozen' in 3 D. We chose the latter, mostly because the other movie would already be playing when we arrived, but also because we like 3D animation.

We hot footed it up the Hwy to Murdock Circle which we had previously ascertained would be the best way to approach the cinemas, being in a Major shopping center, as they often are.  We arrived with 2 mins to spare and took our seats for the trailers.
3D glasses just slip on over the top of regular glasses, so it mean I could enjoy the movie as much as anyone, yay!
Not a lot of people in the theatre, and mostly kids. We don't care, we like silly kids movies:) This one deserves an audience, though the songs are a bit forgettable. One of my friends didnt even notice or remember that there WERE songs. Not sing-able by gazillions of little girls wanting to be these two princesses for their next Halloween!

The animation was impressive, the artwork excellent, the original score was ..well...I don't remember, frankly...I can usually hum the music on leaving the theatre, but I didnt last night. The score must have been...well, forgettable!

The story is based on the Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson. There is a nice twist to the 'punch line' which I wont spoil for you, but it is worth taking a look.

We felt happy that we had spent our $25 for the two of us and had our money's worth, so I guess that says something, for two old scrooges:).

We got home around 10pm, had a cup of our new Black Current loose leaf tea, which we enjoyed and went to bed! Pretty simple really!

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